City of Jaipur through the small windows of Hava Mahal
Hava Mahal
Thirsty monkey
A game of cricket
Central Museum, Jaipur
It took me two days to get from Pokhara to Agra. As the next step in my adaptation process I started eating the food by hand during my trip. Even the brothy, soup-like food are eaten by hand, either by dipping bread or mixing it with rice. It's fun and helps to connect with the locals easier. I arrived in Agra around noon and spared the rest of the day for resting after the tiring ride. Walking to my hotel I was constantly getting harassed by the rickshaw drivers as usual. Rickshaw drivers, who do not accept no as an answer, have a habit of lying about everything, whether it's about the distance, price, or hotels. Having gotten a certain degree of immunisation to their lies and harassment, I naturally didn't believe them for a second when they were saying "Taj Mahal and Agra Fort are free, take a ride with me". Later I found out from the people I met at the hotel that maybe for the first time in their lives they were telling the truth. I got there on one of the two days in the year Taj Mahal, having an entrance fee of $17 (almost my two day budget), opens its doors to the visitors for free. By the time I found out it was already dark and Taj Mahal had closed its doors. Next day was a Friday, which is the only day of the week Taj Mahal is closed. Therefor it was certain that I wouldn't be going into Taj Mahal since I wasn't going to be spending more than two days in Agra which didn't have anything interesting except for Taj Mahal and Agra Fort, and also the high entrance fee I was reluctant to pay. We decided with the half German half Turkish guy I met at the hotel to spend the day just walking the streets of the city. It hadn't been long after we started walking that we stopped at a shop to get some water and started chatting with a guy around the age of 55-600 who was fluent in English. By the end of our chat about Indian philosophy, Hinduism, and his adventures living in Chicago, the sun was slowly setting. We decided we should at least take a look from a distance to Taj Mahal, and said our farewells. It was more precious having a sincere and enjoyable talk than seeing a monument or building in this country where anyone having any communication with you is trying to sell you something. Next day I arrived in the last one of the so called Golden Triangle cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, which are attracting the most tourists coming into India, hence the title. I had a chance to take advantage of the website, which I hadn't been able to utilize before as I never knew when I would be arriving at my next destination and didn't always have the internet connection. I was hosted by a person who replied to my last minute request posted on the site. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite a satisfactory first experience I had through using this site, which is supposed to be built upon values such as hospitality, cultural exchange and good will. Most of our conversation evolved around him trying to convince me to go shopping (so that he could get his commission), so I was displeased and retired to my room early in the evening. I left the house, where I had planned on staying for two nights, first thing in the morning, and checked into a hotel. It's not possible for me to say anything bad about him since he opened his house, shared his food and never left his polite manner, but expecting to make money just contradicted the whole concept of the site. After sightseeing in Jaipur during the day I finished off the evening with a delicious meat dish. There's a large Muslim community living in Jaipur in addition to Hindus, Jains, and Sheiks. Although delicious, it sometimes got boring eating only vegetarian dishes since most devotees of other religions in India are vegetarians. It was a nice change having some meat with my Muslim brothers : ) At last I've completed the bigger cities of the north and now heading to the smaller settlements of the Thar desert.