Thursday, November 5, 2009

Flying to UAE and the first days in Delhi, INDIA!!!!

Public restroom!!
Narrow streets of Delhi
Kids playing marble
just one of the million gods they have
and another one!!
My breakfast stop, fresh cooked omelette, yummm
very popular among Indians, some kind of chewing thing
needs a paint job
school bus!!! get in kids
Ambassador cars, white ones for government use, green yellow ones as taxi
PaharGanj, Delhi

After a short flight I arrived in UAE, Sharjah airport. The airport had a very unusual mix of people. Mostly consisting of Indians, Filipinos, and Malaysians, it was possible to see people from all different nationalities. Unfortunately the seats weren't suited to sleep on comfortably in the terminal, where I had to spend 24 hours. By getting my body in various different shapes, I succeeded in sleeping for a few hours. The Air Arabia plane I got on the next day took me to the second leg of my journey, India. I took a bus from the airport to the city center and got my first shock as soon as I stepped off the bus. No matter how much you read and research about India, nothing can prepare you for this country. I knew it was going to be dirty, crowded, and chaotic but still all my senses were shaken by shockwaves. From the piles of trash on the streets to the strong smell of urination, from its traffic jam to the food being sold on the street one could not imagine eating, with its dust cloud, noise and poverty you're transfered into a different world. With a huge smile on my face I started walking in search of a hotel. After a long walk I found a room in one of the cheapest places in town for 130 rupees ($3). Of course it's impossible to expect a decent room for that price. Half of the building is in ruins as if there were some construction going on, but it's obvious that nothing has been done in a long time. The walls of the room are plywood, with cracks and holes in parts, not to mention the dirt. A filthy sheet is spread over an 1 inch thick uneven piece of sponge that is intended as a bed. I took out the sheet Iranian railways had provided from my backpack, spread it over the bed and fall in a deep sleep with the contentment of being where I'm and tiredness of being on the road for two days.
I heard fireworks, music, and screams in the morning but I was too tired to get out of the bed to go to the window and check out what was going on. I think it was some sort of a holiday and the sounds were from celebrations taking place. I decided to rest for the day without doing much when I woke up. I went out searching for a better hotel but found 6 dollars a little high :) for a room so kept staying at the same palace. I concluded my first day in Delhi sipping my first beer in a month at an Indian bar.
I'm finishing off my third day in Delhi at the only clean and peaceful place in Delhi namde Raj Gath. It's a big green park created as an attribute to three presidents of India who wre assasinated, Mahatma Gandhi, Indra Gandhi, and her son Rajiv. As much as I enjoy Delhi's crowdedness, filthyness, and noisiness, a small get away has been nice. I thought I would get over the sense of shock I had when I first got to Delhi but (although getting little more adapted) I still get the same kind of shocking feeling every time I step out. Poverty and unsanitary conditions are effecting most of the population in Delhi except for some parts in New Delhi. Food is cheap, you can dine for a dollar or two, lodging is also economical, you get a decent place for 6-7 dollars (or you can get a not so stylish place like me for 3 bucks). Museum entrances costing 5-6 dollars seemed a little expensive to me after getting used to paying 50 cents in Iran. They have a habit of constantly honking that drives a person to the edge of insanity. Drivers must be keeping one hand constantly on the horn, whether it's necessary or not. They must be aware of their honking illness themselves because there're signs and posters all over the city telling people not to honk for their own sake. I decided three days in Delhi was enough, so bought a train ticket to Varanasi for the next day. I'm curiously waiting for my 12 hour train ride in the sleeper class. I'm still undecided about going to Nepal, I think I will decide once I get to Varanasi.

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